Unix DB Instance Startup / Stop
1. Login OS with oracle account
2. Using sqlplus to connect to db as sysdba : sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
3. Startup the instance : startup
4. Check alert file to know if there is error during the startup
5. Shutdown the instance using "immediate" option : shutdown immediate
Listener Startup / Stop
1. Login OS with oracle account
2. Startup listener : lsnrctl start [listenerA]
3. Check listener status : lsnrctl status [listenerA]
4. Check listener.log to know if there is error during the startup
5. Stop listener : lsnrctl stop [listenerA]
除了以上的正常步驟, 當 DB 下不下來時, 就必須 kill oracle process以加快速度, 所以可以使用下 unix 指定列出 ora 的 process.
ps -ef | grep ora
或是可以使用以下 SQL 自系統的 v$session, v$process 取得指定要刪除的帳號.
select s.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SID/SERIAL", s.username, s.osuser, p.spid "OS PID", s.program, 'kill -9 '||p.spid as kill
from v$session s
, v$process p
Where s.paddr = p.addr
and s.username in ('ERP',’BPM’)
1. Login OS with oracle account
2. Using sqlplus to connect to db as sysdba : sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
3. Startup the instance : startup
4. Check alert file to know if there is error during the startup
5. Shutdown the instance using "immediate" option : shutdown immediate
Listener Startup / Stop
1. Login OS with oracle account
2. Startup listener : lsnrctl start [listenerA]
3. Check listener status : lsnrctl status [listenerA]
4. Check listener.log to know if there is error during the startup
5. Stop listener : lsnrctl stop [listenerA]
除了以上的正常步驟, 當 DB 下不下來時, 就必須 kill oracle process以加快速度, 所以可以使用下 unix 指定列出 ora 的 process.
ps -ef | grep ora
或是可以使用以下 SQL 自系統的 v$session, v$process 取得指定要刪除的帳號.
select s.sid || ',' || s.serial# "SID/SERIAL", s.username, s.osuser, p.spid "OS PID", s.program, 'kill -9 '||p.spid as kill
from v$session s
, v$process p
Where s.paddr = p.addr
and s.username in ('ERP',’BPM’)